Fedora Design Team Update (Two for One!)

Fedora Design Team Logo
I have been very occupied in recent weeks with piggies of various shapes, sizes, and missions in life [1], so I missed posting the last design team meeting update. This is going to be a quick two-for-one with mostly links and not any summary at all. I’ve been trying hard to run the meetings so the auto-generated summaries are more usable, but I am always happy for tips on doing this even better from meetbot pros (like you? 🙂 ?)

Fedora Design Team Meeting 19 May 2015

Fedora Design Team Meeting 2 June 2015

See you next time?

Our meetings are every 2 weeks; we send reminders to the design-team mailing list and you can also find out if there is a meeting by checking out the design team category on FedoCal.
[1] Expect some explanation in a few weeks, or look for me or Dan Walsh at the Red Hat Summit later this month. 🙂


  1. […] Fedora Design Team Update (Two for One!) […]

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