Another Design Hub mockup

I worked on another mockup for the mockup collaboration tool I blogged about a while back – Josh from Isotope11 coined the name ‘Design Hub’ and I like it, so that’s what I’m calling it now. 🙂

I put this together for Robby from Isotope11, who has been rocking out on implementing a prototype of the application. (I saw a preliminary prototype last week and was really impressed with the progress! I’m hoping to carve out some time to CSS-ify it soon.) Josh has been doing a great job making sure the project keeps moving forward also, so I’m pretty pumped. (I have the usual post-hackfest ‘shiny-ponies-flying-in-the-air-oh-I-want-them-all’ distractability lately so Josh’s patience & focus has been very helpful.)
Here’s the other screens that need to be mocked up:

  • Mockup #1: the first mockup, the details page for a single proposal
  • Mockup #2: The same as the project details mockup shown here, but in the mode where the project has been finished and the proposal that ended up getting used is highlighted.
  • Mockup #3: A listing of all the projects going on right now. Maybe link to an archive of old ones. Each project should have a little preview of the activity going on ‘new proposal posted yesterday by jambalaya joe’ etc. Deadlines and status should be shown too.
  • Mockup #4: submit a new proposal page
  • Mockup #5: submit new project page</li

The Isotope11 folks I think need mockups quicker than I am going to be able to produce them. If you’ve any ideas or inclination to sketch out mockups for any of the above (or if you have ideas for other screens or want to revise the suggestions here) please have at it. The latest inkscape source SVGZ that includes the source for both the first mockup – the proposal details page and this latest mockup is available here:
Mockups Source SVGZ
I know at least four of you (hi pcon, Arkanis, Yannik, and Colin Z.! 🙂 ) besides the folks at Isotope11 have expressed interest in helping out on the implementation of this project. I believe there is or will be a public git repo for it – the project is open source but we haven't really talked too much about sharing the code yet, I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, please drop a comment to let me know what you think about this latest mockup. 🙂


  1. Bernie says:

    I make 2048×1536 ("standard") 4:3 and 1280×1024 5:4.
    I'm way too unstylish to comment on the design. (I do appreciate it though!)

  2. The timeline is a great idea, but you could simplify by drawing the ranges o one level, not as stair. The white outline is subtle for the bright yellow tag, but distracting with the green. I'd try no outline or a black one.
    The Like/Dislike is likely to lead to quick reflexive and highly subjective responses. Maybe other terms could encourage more thought, keeping the specific goals and requirements of a project in mind? For example adequate/inadequate.
    Also worth a though: require a comment giving reasons before a user can vote.

  3. hy Mo,
    looks very cool from the Design perspective. This looks like a topic for a Design FAD, but maybe we could handle it elsewhere 😉
    The thing is that I would like to have a projectplaner, a wiki, a Lightbox (with very small editing tools in it) and a announcement and/or mailsystem in the whole Collab-System.
    BECAUSE: e.g. If you have a wallpaper you designed then you would want to make it better. This process cost time. Then there are several Fedora-guidelines you should have in mind. Then there was the process of "do you like it […] will THAT wallpaper go into the next release? […] what do I have to edit that it is fedora-conform?![…] when must it be ready[…]" and the last thing is the one wich will do some pressure to the artist (usually) 🙂
    So, the tool should be doing some more as "only" show us a new mockup, make annotations and so on.
    Besides the "I like it – I do not like it" thing a "is marked for F13|F14|___ Release to be in" a "added some legal notes|added some Design Guide rulez| added some improvemet notes" and maybe a "marked to be edited and if so it will go into next release| time to be finished" thing in the db would be nice for a small projectmanagement thingy. More will come 😉

  4. Anders Feder says:

    I think you're on to something here, Máirín. You know how the aesthetics of one's working environment can alter the very way people *think* about their work? Perhaps it's time to let go of the crufty old mailman mailing lists and all their UNIXy arrogance towards the realities of the modern world?

  5. […] Read more about it in my initial blog post about it, at the GNOME Hackfest writeup about it, and at a follow-up mockup post about […]

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