Dare I ask for more?

So I’m really excited there is an free & open source alternative to twitter.
Dare I ask if there is a free & open source alternative to Remember the Milk? It’s a neat web app that lets you track your todo lists and it has a really rich api that lets you do cool stuff like receive to-dos by email (which you can then approve or not) and serves atom/ical feeds of your task lists (which you can display in Lightning/Sunbird).


  1. I would love it if there was.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Closest I know to TRM is the Tracks project (http://www.rousette.org.uk/projects/). But there is no "official" installation of this everyone can use, only sites like <a href="http://tracks.tra.in/” target=”_blank”>http://tracks.tra.in/
    A free (AGPL) and simple RTM site would rock!

    1. Oh wow, Tracks looks really cool! I'll have to try it out for a while and see if it fits! Thanks for the suggestion!!

    2. Anonymous says:

      That looks really cool. I've long searched for a better way to keep track of TODOs (and didn't know remember the milk).
      I wonder if this'd be a cool thing to have run on fedora infrastructure for people with a FAS account. Most contributors could need something like this.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, you rebel!
    RtM is super-helpful and I'd love to see that — imagine if its feeds were consumed and used helpfully by MyFedora!

  4. Anonymous says:

    There's always remind! Although it's CLI based and no one has packaged the wxRemind GUI for it yet. 🙂

  5. identi.ca looks neat, though the problem with these social networking site (micro-blogging is a social activity, after all) is that the network effect really advantages the incumbent (as Linux users we have probably encountered this problem all too often…)
    What will be wonderful is for micro-blogging to go the way IM is going: federation. There should be a common protocol that rich clients (heavy Twitter addicts probably use a desktop client anyway) can use to talk to multiple competing services — and for messages to be threaded across different services too. Ah well, not yet.
    (speaking of interoperability, wonder if one could combine one's FAS OpenID with one's LJ account — hmm).

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