The SELinux Coloring Book

Dan Walsh had a great idea for explaining SELinux policy concepts in a fun way – creating an SELinux coloring book! He wrote up a script, I illustrated it using my Wacom in Inkscape on Fedora, and we turned it into an article. Still. We needed physical coloring books, and what better place to hand them out than at the Red Hat Summit?
We got them printed up and shipped off to the Summit (some in assorted volunteers’ baggage 🙂 ), and they’ve been so popular that Dan is getting close to running out, except a reserve he’s kept for the SELinux for Mere Mortals talk later today. We also handed out some slightly imperfect misprints in the Westford Red Hat office, and we’ve been told a co-worker’s daughter brought hers to pre-school and it was a big hit – the other kids want their own. When it comes to SELinux, we’re starting ’em young on the setenforce 1 path. 🙂
How might you get your own copy? Well, we’ve made the coloring book, including the text and artwork, available under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license. So download, print, share, remix, and enjoy! 🙂


  1. Thanks for making this, and making it available!

  2. […] Walsh (scénář) a Máirin Duffy (kresba) vytvořili omalovánky, které vám vysvětlí základní principy SELinuxu. Pokud tápete v tom, jak SELinux funguje, […]

  3. wantll says:

    This is the best idea on how to educate people that I’ve seen in a long time! I want more!! Colouring books for intro to Linux, colouring books for KVM, colouring books for networking…you name it. So smart!
    Congratulations to both of you brilliant people, Dan and Mairin!

  4. Great job – thanks.
    Because I don’t have crayons I make it be electronic.
    It is better for the children education in this time.
    Every child needs to know SELinux! 🙂

  5. […] wytłumaczenia koncepcji polityk stosowanych w SELinux w dość prosty sposób – razem z Máirín Duffy wydali kolorowankę, której pierwowzorem był artykuł na portalu z okazji […]

  6. This is just adorable! And for such a good cause. I hope it helps more people warm up to the idea of keeping secure systems through SELinux. It really is a vital component of any public-facing server. Great work, Mairin and Dan!

  7. […] 下载 SELinux 涂色书 […]

  8. Wonderful! 😀

  9. […] a ideia de Dan Walsh para explicar como funcionam as políticas do SELinux no formato de um livro para colorir. Daí é imprimir, pegar uma caixa de lápis de cor (giz de cera, canetinha etc), ler o conteúdo, […]

  10. […] The SELinux Coloring Book por Máirín Duffy […]

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