Showing 215 Result(s)

Fedora 12 rocks on tablets

(That’s Fedora 12 Beta’s Inkscape on my Thinkpad x61 with a built-in Wacom digitizer in the photo. Photo credit David Aquilina, CC-BY-3.0) Got a tablet, or want to get one, but not sure it’s going to work out in Linux? Here’s how my Thinkpad x61’s built-in Wacom tablet works in Fedora 12 Beta: Tablet pressure …

Spins Bling Update

Thanks to the feedback you gave me on the last Spins bling post, I’ve been able to make some updates and adjustments to some of the Spins banners. The artwork for the Education spin banner was pretty sad, so I updated it with artwork from María’s awesome Education SIG wallpaper: BrOffice’s name was too grey …

Spin Banner Bling

If you ever need to work with the Fedora Spins SIG on a project, you’re in for a treat because they’ve totally got it together and it’s really easy to work with them. 🙂 My task was to gather some content for each spin’s page for the new design, and typically in these sorts …

Fedora 12's default wallpaper

We took your feedback into account, had another IRC sprint session and came up with something we’re all pretty happy with: 2048 x 1536, single-screen 2048 x 1536, dual-screen Super-special thanks go to Rex Dieter, Martin Sourada, and Ian Weller for getting these packaged on time and helping out! The artwork was inspired by the …

F12 Wallpaper Sprinting

UPDATE: The links to the full-size images were actually linking to smaller thumbnails; I updated these where I could so they point to the full 2048×1536 wallpapers. I've been working with Jon McCann, Charlie Brej, Nicu Buculei, Jeremy Perry, María Leandro, and Ian Weller's help and critique the past few days on trying to come …

GTK Font Selector UI update round 1

I met with Alberto Ruiz at the recent GNOME Summit in Boston, and we talked a bit about making some improvements to the GTK font chooser dialog. He had a cool prototype he shared with me and wanted to try to iterate to a good design trying a usability-based approach. (Yay! 🙂 ) I promised …

A modest proposal

It does sometimes seem that *some* folks think the free & open source community is a fun frat party where it’s cool to joke about ejaculation and picking up ‘girls.’ Not just at the pub with your friends – at a professional conference, as part of a keynote no less (video.) If women^Wgirls can’t deal …

Let me bling your spin!

As recently brought up on fedora-spins list, I wanna bling your spin. 🙂 I need your help, though. Since time is short (I’m hoping to receive the content I need from spins owners by next Friday, 16 Oct), here’s a reminder with some pretty mockups to hopefully provide some motivation. 🙂 Whoah, back up, what’s …