Showing 215 Result(s)

Fedora Buttons

I made some Fedora buttons since I wanted to deck out my new blogs in Fedora-ness. Enjoy. These are available on the Fedora wiki at

Oops, email issue

Due to a bit of a mixup, if you’ve sent me an email to my @fpo or address in the past day or so I haven’t gotten it since my mail host wasn’t available. Hopefully I’ll get it in the next few hours if the messages are attempted to be sent again, but in …

Package Maintainers! I want to make your life easier

This week I’ve been cranking out mockups for the Fedora Community Project (read the recent fedora-announce-list announcement, or view the Moksha presentation given earlier this month at FUDcon 11). The mockups I’ve been working on this week have focused around the metadata and tabs surrounding one particular package. I used nautilus as an example in …

Fedora 11 Artwork – Process starting now!

Sextant by mcost on Flickr, CC-BY 2.0 Greek Trireme from the U.S. Air Force Air War College, Public Domain We’re just ramping up on the Fedora 11 artwork process. You may be familiar with our previous 3-rounds process, where artists would come up with different ideas and ‘compete’, and by the end the last theme …

FUDcon Shirts

I forgot to post my pictures of the FUDcon shirts. They came out great. Andreas gave us the idea of having a tag cloud to illustrate the shirt, and Charlie Brej wrote us a tool to generate the tag clouds from the FUDcon and Fedora logos. Also, because of popular demand, they are black instead …


It seems like folks had a great time at Flattop Johnny’s. As you can see above, we had some great ideas for Fedora sticker photo poses. 🙂 Pool was played: Moonwalking too: Word!: And of course, there were drinks…: Some people had *TOO* good a time. I guess not everyone can hold their Fedora: