Showing 215 Result(s)

Fedora General-Purpose Posters Part 2

Thanks to everybody who helped me out with the poster design here in my blog and in fedora-marketing-list. I think this cut is pretty good so if you are willing to translate the poster into another language or if you would simply like to have it printed up, it’s ready now:

Inkscape Tutorial: Sulphur Crystals

Well, due to popular demand, I decided to try my hand at creating a screencast tutorial on how to make the sulphur crystals I made for some of the F9 theme mockups and F9 alpha banners. I hope you enjoy it, let me know if you have any questions about it. I created the video …

General-Purpose Fedora Posters

Hello! So, Joerg Simon pointed out to me that we have a need for general-purpose, reusable designs for Fedora posters that can be used at many different events / during different releases of Fedora (so no event-specific release-specific feature-specific etc. notes on them.) This is my first draft at an attempt at this. It is …

Sulphur is fun to draw

I really like drawing sulphur in Inkscape. 🙂 I came up with an easy way to do it. Basically you use the star/polygon tool in polygon mode. Set it to make 6- or 7-sided polygons, spoke ratio should be at about .8, rounding should be at 0, crank random up to .17. Then draw a …

Fedora 9 Artwork Round 2 Update

For various reasons the Fedora art team has decided to push back the deadline for round 2 theme submissions to February 12, one week back from the original due date of February 5th (today.) We are hopeful that the extra week will give folks the time they need to get their submissions ready. Want to …

New Email Address

Hey, just a quick note that I’m trying to use duffy at as my main email address. Traditionally I have used my email address for Fedora-related stuff but I’m trying to separate the two now so it’s easier for me to access Fedora-related emails.

It's 'T' Time!

Max started the conversation, and Nicu set up a wiki page for us to organize our ideas and designs for various Fedora T-shirts. The major shirt designs under discussion are: General-purpose “Fedora” T-shirt FUDCon Boston 2008 T-shirt Fedora @ LinuxTag Berlin T-shirt (maybe) Fedora 9 Theme T-shirt One of Nicu’s general Fedora T designs: If …

I'm back

I disappeared for a while; I was in Ireland for the past week or so and unfortunately didn’t have any internet access. I have a huge backlog of emails and such to go through so if I haven’t gotten back to you by the end of this weekend please feel free to re-ping me!

Fedora 9 Theme

Have a cool idea for a Fedora theme? Ever look at one of the old Fedora themes and think you could do better? Now is the time to propose your ideas for Fedora 9. The deadline is 8 January, 2008. What format do you need to submit your idea in? You need to write a …


Jason Kottke emailed me today to let me know he opened up his Silkscreen Font under the Open Font License today, and also uploaded it to the Open Font Library. The font only has Latin characters, but it’s a cool font because it’s usable in extremely small applications where other fonts aren’t legible at that …