Showing 32 Result(s)

Making Fedora easier to use & the Installer UX redesign

(Inkscape SVGZ source)
If you want people to try Fedora so they can use it and so they can eventually become a FLOSS contributor, they need to be able to find and download it in the first place. The Fedora websites team and design team, with the website redesign project, hopefully made it easier for our user base to find the right download and to obtain it via our website.
Helping our user base access the installation media isn’t enough, though. They have to be able to make it through the installer to the other side! Those gaps in the diagram – each of those is a bail-out point. If they can’t make it easily through the installer, a member of our user base may well give up on Fedora.

Preparing for Fedora's SXSW Debut

Fedora is going to have a booth at the South-by-Southwest (SXSW) music, film, and interactive conference expo in Austin, TX in just a little over a couple of weeks now. Why are we going? Well, our plan is on the Fedora wiki, but my main goal in attending is to promote free software to all …

Third Fedora Design Bounty Ninja identified!

The Fedora Design Team Bi-weekly Bounty is a bi-weekly (well, at least monthly! 😉 ) blog post where we’ll outline a quick-and-easy design project that needs doing for the Fedora Community, outlining all the tools, files, and other resources you’ll need to complete the project. If you’re a designer and are interested in getting involved … redesign update

So it’s been a while, a month really, since I’ve given you an update on the Fedora website redesign. Well, in the past month Fedora design ninja Jef van Schendel and I have been cranking out mockups and Sijis Aviles has been doing an awesome job making the mockups a reality and getting things into …

Fedora 14 Artwork Progressing!

So about a month ago I blogged a preview of the Fedora 14 theme, which was designed fo Fedora 14 Alpha. Based on your feedback (mostly that the initial wallpaper was too dark), Kyle Baker came up with a modified version of the wallpaper that is much lighter in color: Kyle B Since then, Federico …

Creating UI Mockups in Inkscape Video Tutorial

Tonight I received an email from Eduardo Villagrán Morales, a Fedora ambassador from Chile. He wrote, I read your post “Some www.fpo header mockups.” I want know what tools you use to create mockups. As I told Eduardo, I use Inkscape running on Fedora as my primary mockup tool, with some help from Gimp for …

Some www.fpo header mockups

I worked through these redesign header mockups today with Sijis’ feedback. I’m really liking the last one, #7. 🙂 Sometimes you just have to keep trying, keep experimenting, until you discover something that works. The problem we were trying to solve here was having two competing navigation bars, and placing the navbar in such … front page redesign mockup #1

So as part of the ongoing website redesign project, I’ve been working on mockups for a new front page. Here’s the rough sitemap I’ve drawn up for the work: As you can see, a lot of thought has been put into the home page and articles features on it (sections 1-5). I haven’t … redesign post-mortem

On Post-Mortems “Post-mortem!” you exclaim, “how ghoulish!” Well, yeah. The term is usually used for meetings and discussions about how well a software release went after it’s out the door, at least on som of the teams I’ve worked on (greets to my tacos!) So, anyway, here is a post-mortem examination of the new …