Showing 4 Result(s)

Son of more logos!

Where we left off last time was basically a brain dump of some random ideas. Thank you again for all of the great feedback and commentary around the designs. It really seems that folks are digging the “C” series of logo designs the most – here’s a bunch of iterations of that concept: A lot …

Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1

Last week I shared a concept for the logos with you, and I received quite a lot of feedback. Thank you for that. 🙂 The feedback I received mostly clustered along these lines in some form or another: The server logomark doesn’t read as a server to everyone – it’s too rounded. The workstation …

Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1

A while back we talked about designing the branding for Fedora in a Fedora.NEXT world. We’ve kind of fallen behind on the design process. So I’ve been spending some time with the questionnaire answers from the Cloud working group and the Server working group, and I put together the following boards as sort of a …