Showing 27 Result(s)

RAID Re-do for Anaconda

Remix of Cartoon Rattlesnake by Sirrob01, Spray Paint in Action by Guillaume W., and Tango Drive Hard Disk by Warszawianka on OpenClipArt. Yes, that is a snake spraying RAID onto a pile of disks. So I think out of all of the feedback we got about the Anaconda UI redesign, the one piece of the …

Refreshing storage in Anaconda

Remixed version of bottles by Tomas Arad on OpenClipArt. You must be thinking: “What do you mean by refreshing storage? I didn’t think you could drink storage?” No, sad to say, this blog post isn’t about the type of refreshment you get from a crisp cold glass of Anaconda Cola (yum!) It’s about the action …

More Anaconda Custom Partitioning

We’ve been having a bit of a Anaconda custom partitioning UI thrown down the past couple of days in #anaconda to try to make some more progress on it. You may recall, the direction we’d most recently taken the mockups involved a UI centered around the mount points that are / will be created on …

Firewall Zones UI Design

Over the past couple of months I have been working with Thomas Woerner on some enhancements to and new UI for Fedora’s firewall controls. These additions are part of Thomas’s work in adding the concept of firewall ‘zones’ to Fedora to simplify firewall configuration and help make it easier for folks to keep their computers …

Slicing and dicing disks (first draft)

So, last time we chatted about Fedora’s installer redesign, we walked through how users would select which disks they’d like to be part of the install. Once our intrepid installer users have selected disks to install to, they should be set and the install will just work. (Okay, there’s the case where they have to …