Showing 9 Result(s)

Fedora Developer Website Design

For the past few weeks I have been working on mockups and the HTML/CSS for a new Fedora website, the Fedora Developer portal (likely to eventually live at The goal of the site is to provide resources and information to developers building things on Fedora (not primarily developers contributing to Fedora itself.) A bunch … Branding Update

So we’ve gone through a lot of iterations of the logo design based on your feedback; here’s the full list of designs and mockups that Ryan, Sarup, and myself have posted: Brand Concept #1 Logo Ideas Iteration Iterating on the Brand Concept #1 Another Quick Idea Marinating My Brain on …

Son of more logos!

Where we left off last time was basically a brain dump of some random ideas. Thank you again for all of the great feedback and commentary around the designs. It really seems that folks are digging the “C” series of logo designs the most – here’s a bunch of iterations of that concept: A lot …

Iterating on Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1

Last week I shared a concept for the logos with you, and I received quite a lot of feedback. Thank you for that. 🙂 The feedback I received mostly clustered along these lines in some form or another: The server logomark doesn’t read as a server to everyone – it’s too rounded. The workstation …

Fedora.NEXT Brand Concept #1

A while back we talked about designing the branding for Fedora in a Fedora.NEXT world. We’ve kind of fallen behind on the design process. So I’ve been spending some time with the questionnaire answers from the Cloud working group and the Server working group, and I put together the following boards as sort of a …

Get involved in the web efforts!

Lately I’ve been blogging about the proposal for new Fedora websites to account for the effort. So far, the proposal has been met with warm reception and excitement! (Yay!) We Really Would Love Your Help Two very important things that I’d like to make clear at this point: This plan is not set in …

Design Hub Idea ( website redesign)

So a couple of weeks ago we talked about a proposal for the new Fedora website that Ryan Lerch, Matthew Miller, and myself came up with. The feedback we’ve gotten thus far has been overwhelmingly positive, so I’ve put some time into coming up with less vague and hand-wavy ideas as to what a particular … and Fedora's brand

I’d like to let you know about a little initiative the Fedora Design team is starting related to the effort. Hopefully by now, you’re aware of the initiative. Among other things, involves splitting Fedora into three separate products: Fedora Workstation Fedora Server Fedora Cloud What each of these ‘products’ will be, …