Showing 6 Result(s)

Drag / resize handles

In my last post about Anaconda’s UX redesign, there were a couple of mockups that featured draggable diagrams for managing space on a disk, allowing you to shrink its partitions as possible: I’ve been thinking about the best way to make the partitions look draggable. They only need to be draggable horizontally; the mockup above …

GIMP 2.7 for Photoshop Expatriates

Well, I got into a Photoshop vs. Gimp pissing match. Sigh. Lots of rich manure left behind in the aftermath. Why not try to plant a seed and grow a useful vegetable from it? So here’s a quick screencast (created using GNOME Shell’s built-in screen recorder with audio using a trick posted to GNOME bugzilla …

Gimp Cage Tool

I really love the cage transform tool in the GIMP. It was first developed by Google Summer of Code student Michael Muré in 2010 and finished by Gimp developer Alexia Death. It allows you to define an area within an image (in my case, the four corners of the whiteboard frame) and drag on those …

A Linux user's Nook experience

About two years ago I first used the Nook app on Android. That was my very first foray into buying digital books. I’ve been trying to pare down my possessions in a manner Leo Babuta and Erin Doland would most certainly approve of over the past couple of years. A love of books doesn’t work …